SAINT PATRICK'S DAY Republic of Ireland , a European country located in the British archipelago, and is celebrated on March 17. Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of the'/> Republic of Ireland , a European country located in the British archipelago, and is celebrated on March 17. Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of the' /> Republic of Ireland , a European country located in the British archipelago, and is celebrated on March 17. Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of the'> Republic of Ireland , a European country located in the British archipelago, and is celebrated on March 17. Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of the'> Republic of Ireland , a European country located in the British archipelago, and is celebrated on March 17. Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of the'> 1


Patrick's Day is the national holiday of the Republic of Ireland , a European country located in the British archipelago, and is celebrated on March 17. Saint Patrick is a saint of the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of the entire island of Ireland, who died on March 17 in the 5th century (there are two possible dates of his death, one in the year 461, and another more distant in the year 493) It is also celebrated in Northern Ireland, a country located on the same island, but where the majority religion is Protestant. Due to the Irish diaspora that has taken place in previous centuries, Saint Patrick's Day is commemorated in various countries around the world.

Who was Saint Patrick?

He was a Catholic priest who became Bishop of Ireland, brought Catholicism to the island and sought the conversion of its inhabitants. He was born in Britain and was recruited as a teenager by a group of pirates who later sold him into slavery on the island of Ireland. There he worked as a shepherd until he managed to escape and headed for France where he would become a priest. Through a vision, Saint Patrick understands that he must return to Ireland. Once there he is well received by the clergy and begins his period as a preacher, for which he is also known as the Apostle of Ireland , with such success that over the years he is appointed bishop.

Tradition in the Celebration of Saint Patrick

In order to fulfill his mission, Saint Patrick used a simple and easy to understand language. He even used a clover leaf to explain the mystery of the Holy Trinity. This is why, as part of the symbology, the clover is used to represent the celebration, as is the color green. Other symbols are the Patada Cross and the cross that bears his name, the Saint Patrick's Cross.

St. Patrick's celebration

During the holiday different parades are held, not only in Ireland, but in various parts of the world where the Irish community is. These are characterized by their color where green predominates, symbol of their saint, as well as huge shamrocks and the figure of a green leprechaun. Beer consumption increases considerably during the celebration, with the green tint being the favorite. Dances are performed enlivened by musical bands where wind instruments such as the Irish flute predominate.

Patrick's Day celebration in other countries

The Irish community is found throughout the world. This is due to the strong agricultural and economic crises that the Island of Ireland has suffered at different times. The Irish diaspora is estimated to number more than 80 million worldwide. This migration occurred mainly to countries like the United States, Canada, Argentina, Great Britain, Australia, Mexico, Chile. That is why in these countries, due to a significant number of Irish, the festivities of St. Patrick have the same resonance as in his homeland, which is why we see parades in cities like New York, Chicago, Buenos Aires, London . The White House in the United States usually waves the Irish flag every March 17, in honor of the millions of descendants who are in this nation.

In Spain, Saint Patrick's Day is also commemorated, although this is due to the fact that he is the patron saint of some towns such as Murcia and Albuñol.

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