“No one shall be subjected to slavery or servitude”

Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 1948

The Abolition of slavery has been a process that has taken place in various parts of the world and at different times in the history of mankind. Its purpose is to definitively abolish human trafficking, the possession of slaves, forced recruitment, among other actions that go against human freedoms.

For this, the United Nations Organization UN, has established December 2 as the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, in relation to the date on which the Convention for the Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and Exploitation was approved. of the Prostitution of Others, which took place on December 2, 1949.

This celebration seeks to raise awareness among all people around the world about the scourge that slavery has had and still has, which today is still presented in traditional forms in some parts of the world, but which has also evolved and is presented in new forms of submission.

How is this day commemorated?

Every year the United Nations Organization carries out different events around the world that seek to alert about the situation that millions of people are experiencing. Through conventions, public events and with the support of the media and great personalities, known as ambassadors of goodwill, they carry the message of what is happening in the world with the scourge of slavery, as well as programs that with each country they are developing jointly to completely abolish this condition.

What are the forms of modern slavery?

According to the UN, contemporary forms of slavery are:

Días Festivos en el Mundo